Monday, December 30, 2019

This is how important it is to have a supportive manager

This is how important it is to have a kooperationive managerThis is how important it is to have a supportive managerAs anyone who has had a good mentor or a bad babo at work knows all too well, when someone believes in you, it can make all the difference. A new survey by the American Psychological Association of1,076 U.S. workers found that a managers support can make or break an employees experience at a job. The workers were asked to rate their supervisors support across a number of dimensions, on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.FollowLadders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard coveringHappiness,Productivity,Job Satisfaction,Neuroscience, andmoreSurvey Unsupportive bosses create unsatisfied employees with one foot out the doorWhether or not your boss welches supportive or disengaged determined employees paths and organizational outcomes. Employees with supportive bosses were twice as likely to report feeling valued by their employer and feeling satisf ied with their jobs and were twice as likely to recommend the job to others.Meanwhile, when your boss is terrible and could care less about your career, you departure to care less about your job, too. You may even start looking a recruiter emails and job board listings with more interest. More than half of the employees lacking supervisor support said they intended to leave their jobs within the next year.The lack of support also breeds mistrust. Fifty-six percent of workers who said they had unsupportive bosses also said that they do not trust their employer.How to measure a bosss supportWhether or not your boss gave you career development opportunities was the biggest predictor into whether or not you thought they were a supportive boss or not. Employees getting the opportunities to develop technical, management, and leadership skills for their futures accounted for 60% in variance between employees with supportive bosses and disengaged ones.When bosses set an expectation that emp loyees would need to focus on their training and development, employees sense of support grew, too.These are not opportunities enough of us are getting. Men were more likely to have supportive bosses than women. While over 85% of men and women reported that their boss was giving them the necessary training to do their job now, fewer women than men reported that their bosses were giving them the opportunities to develop the leadership and technical skills theyll need in the future. This finding may suggest that bosses are more likely to binnensee men as leaders than women.An equally important factor to employees feeling supported is whether or not employers had time to follow through on ansicht promises of support. Employees were asked if their employer set aside time during work hours for job training and career development. Only 52% of employees agreed that they had enough time in their work days to follow through on these opportunities.This survey shows how a supervisors support c an have a huge influence on your job and career. A good one can bring out the best in you and set you on the path to greatness. A bad one can be poison, tainting your daily satisfaction with your work and what you see as your potential. When theres a lack of managerial support, employees notice and are less likely to stick around. Employees dont quit jobs, they quit bosses.This article originally appeared Oct. 31, 2017.This is how important it is to have a supportive managerAs anyone who has had a good mentor or a bad boss at work knows all too well, when someone believes in you, it can make all the difference. A new survey by the American Psychological Association of1,076 U.S. workers found that a managers support can make or break an employees experience at a job. The workers were asked to rate their supervisors support across a number of dimensions, on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.Survey Unsupportive bosses create unsatisfied employees with one foot out the do orWhether or not your boss was supportive or disengaged determined employees paths and organizational outcomes. Employees with supportive bosses were twice as likely to report feeling valued by their employer and feeling satisfied with their jobs and were twice as likely to recommend the job to others.Meanwhile, when your boss is terrible and could care less about your career, you start to care less about your job, too. You may even start looking a recruiter emails and job board listings with more interest. More than half of the employees lacking supervisor support said they intended to leave their jobs within the next year.The lack of support also breeds mistrust. Fifty-six percent of workers who said they had unsupportive bosses also said that they do not trust their employer.How to measure a bosss supportWhether or not your boss gave you career development opportunities was the biggest predictor into whether or not you thought they were a supportive boss or not. Employees getting the opportunities to develop technical, management, and leadership skills for their futures accounted for 60% in variance between employees with supportive bosses and disengaged ones.When bosses set an expectation that employees would need to focus on their training and development, employees sense of support grew, too.These are not opportunities enough of us are getting. Men were more likely to have supportive bosses than women. While over 85% of men and women reported that their boss was giving them the necessary training to do their job now, fewer women than men reported that their bosses were giving them the opportunities to develop the leadership and technical skills theyll need in the future. This finding may suggest that bosses are more likely to see men as leaders than women.An equally important factor to employees feeling supported is whether or not employers had time to follow through on these promises of support. Employees were asked if their employer set aside time duri ng work hours for job training and career development. Only 52% of employees agreed that they had enough time in their work days to follow through on these opportunities.This survey shows how a supervisors support can have a huge influence on your job and career. A good one can bring out the best in you and set you on the path to greatness. A bad one can be poison, tainting your daily satisfaction with your work and what you see as your potential. When theres a lack of managerial support, employees notice and are less likely to stick around. Employees dont quit jobs, they quit bosses.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Infographic Says Career Specific Training Gives Job Seekers Advantage

Infographic Says Career Specific Training Gives Job Seekers Advantage Infographic Says Career Specific Training Gives Job Seekers Advantage Chicago-based Computer Systems Institute has created an infographic, Hire Education 4 Reasons Your Career Specific Training Makes you the Best Hire, that offers some data on why opting for vocational career training just may be the better route for landing a job post-graduation.Reason 1 More skills than the average graduate9 in 10 employees say colleges arent fully preparing grads for the workforce7 in 10 employers would hire someone without a bachelors degree as long as the candidate was a good fit or had great credentials91 percent of managers say I.T. certifications are a good way to judge a candidates valueReason 2 Require less on-the job trainingBecause grads from vocational schools already have job-specific training, theyll cost the company less money51 percent of jobs today have specific technical requirements60 percent of companies expe ct even more technical requirements 3-5 years from nowReason 3 Have career-specific experience63 percent of employers say recent graduates need to research the industry more thoroughly to improve their candidacyMost employers value experience over academicsIn the science/technology field, 50 percent of employers value experience while just 19 percent value academicsReason 4 Equipped to advance67 percent of I.T. professionals say that job-specific training has helped them get a raise/promotion27 percent of people with licenses or certifications earn more than those with bachelors degreesMen who have computer/information technology certificates can earn 72 percent more than those with associate degrees

Friday, December 20, 2019

Difference Between Hard News and Features in Magazines

Difference Between Hard News and Features in MagazinesDifference Between Hard News and Features in MagazinesMost of us dont give a lot of thought to the technical definition of what were reading when we open a newspaper or other print publication or access one online. In fact, leid all news stories are created equal. If youre considering a career in journalism, your success can hinge on knowing the difference between a straight news piece and a feature. Features Are Defined by Length and Style A feature is typically longer than a voreingestellt news story. Its written in a different writing style, typically with more detail and background based on more extensive research than would be required to simply report a news event. Features can vary widely- you might write a news feature, an arts feature or a human interest feature. Although the term implies softer news, a feature is often defined by its length and style, not necessarily its subject matter.The style component is importan t. Features humanize events and issues rather than make a recitation of facts. Why should your readers care about theevent youre writing about? Explain why they might. You might address this question in your opening paragraph or paragraphs, hooking your readers, then move on to more of the nuts and bolts of your topic. Think of it like the difference between Dragnet and telling a friend a story over coffee. A news report might be Just the facts, maam. Your feature will be friendlier, though not at the risk of solid facts and research. Features in Magazines Features often appear in magazines, although they also appear in newspapers and on websites. Readers tend to prefer them over straight-line hard news reports. Youll usually find a magazines features toward themiddle section of a magazine. This section is known as the feature well. How to Write a Feature Writing a featurebegins with two important factors your topic and how much space you can devote to ityour assigned word c ount. You must work within this parameter, which means you cant stray off topic. You should, however, go into as much depth as possible. This usually includes conducting interviews and gathering background information. For example, a news report might read Witnesses report that the pipe burst at 132 p.m.While a feature mightread Joe Smith said he saw the pipe burstfrom his kitchen window just as he was cleaning up from lunch, at 132 p.m. Water shot 10 feet high and drenched everyone in sight, Smith said. Features typically includeexpert opinions.Why did the pipe burst? You might get statements from a knowledgeable pipefitter explaining likely problems the pipe may have had. Did any passersby sustain injuries? A news report would most likely give a yes or no answer to that, and, if so, cite the number of injured bystanders. A feature would delve into whether the city or municipality that was responsible for maintaining the pipe might be liable for those injuries. It could include a s tatement from someone in authority at the city or municipality regarding the incident and whether that part believes any negligence might have occurred. The idea behind a feature is to go one step further Youre not just telling your reader what happened. Youre explaining why its important, who is affected and presenting the big picture.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What a Backline Is In Music

What a Backline Is In MusicWhat a Backline Is In MusicBackline is a term used to describe audio amplification equipment for bands behind the stage, such as amplifiers for guitars or synthesizers. Some bands and venues have expanded the meaning of backline to include other instruments for musicians, including bass guitars, keyboards, drum kits, and other percussion instruments. It is used to discuss the needs of a band for an upcoming performance. Backline technicians are responsible for setting up, maintaining and fixing backline equipment. Technicians that travel with the band from place to place are known as roadies, and keep all equipment running smoothly wherever the band is playing.? Backline and Booking Gigs When a gig is booked, sometime before the concert, the werber, manager, or band should check with the manager, venue, or club to discuss the backline needs of the band the promoter will need to know what the band is bringing with them in terms of instruments, mics, and amps, and what the promoter will need to provide. The promoter will also need to know the technical specifications for the band. Exactly whose job is it to provide backline depends on how the show was booked and what size the show is. If a band has booked a show directly with a venue that they are promoting themselves, then the band needs to figure out what the venue can provide for them and make arrangements for everything else themselves. If a band books a show with a promoter, the promoter generally will make sure the backline is in place, although if the promoter has to rent equipment for the show, they will usually charge these costs back to the band. If an agent has booked the show with a promoter, then the agent and promoter should handle the backline negotiations. Renting Equipment In some bases, backline equipment can be rented for touring or studio use, as many musicians prefer not to carry their instruments from location to location. Carrying such bulky equipment can be expensive, time-consuming and carries the risk of damaging necessary items. Many companies offer comprehensive backline supplies, including items not traditionally considered backline, such as instruments. With advance notice, companies can usually get additional equipment if needed. Major cities have their backline suppliers, with some national chains offering discounts of bands with multi-city tours which need equipment in each location. Companies typically offer guitars, bass guitars, bass amplifiers, keyboards, modules, drums, cymbals, percussion instruments, accessories, staging equipment such as lights and more. Renting backline makes travel easier and less costlysince huge batches of equipment do not need to be shipped. However, it can pose some unique challenges for musicians. For instance, if a musician is used to the feel and sound of a particular guitar, switching to a new one off of a companys inventory list can feel strange and could even affect the guitarists perfor mance. It is why some bands travel with their essential equipment, such as guitars, and rent the other materials. While the term backline has been broadened to include a wide range of musical equipment, a backline has always been essential to a bands success. Understanding backline and the unique needs of the band and the setup of the venueis imperative in planning a successful event or show.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Survey 61% of entry-level jobs require 3+ years of experience

Survey 61% of entry-level jobs require 3+ years of experienceSurvey 61% of entry-level jobs require 3+ years of experienceEmerging professionals who are early in their career face a conundrum You need a job in order to get experience, but you need experience in order to get a job - how do you get one without the other?New employees recognize that it can be hard to convince an employer to take a chance on them, but a new survey revealed just how hard it can be to find an entry-level job willing to take a chance on someone with little to no experience.Analyzing arandom sample of 95,363 jobs, TalentWorks found that entry-level job candidates face an uphill battle finding jobs within their experience level. The majority (61%) of all full-time jobs seeking entry-level employees required at least three years or mora of experience. Thats a lot of experience for someone just starting their career. In fact, TalentWorks expects this number to only get worse for future entry-level employees.Em ployers have also been driving experience inflation, which is especially dangerous for younger workers, the research states. For entry-level jobs, theamount of work experience required to get a job has been steadily increasing at 2.8% per year.That means future generations of workers have raised expectations to look forward to when they join the labor market.If you dont have the years of experience, dont be discouragedIf youre an entry-level employee feeling discouraged by these findings, dont count yourself out, though. The good news is that most employers use job year requirements as ideal guidelines, not hard requirements. Required qualifications in job ads are like wish lists, not inflexible lists of requirements.Those qualifications are a composite of someones idea of the ideal candidate, Ask a Managers Alison Green advised one under-qualified candidate.Believe me, they will look at people who dont perfectly match it.So when a job posting requires four years of experience and y ou only have two, youre not automatically disqualified.If you think you could do the job, apply anyway.Of course, if you are lacking in one area of experience, be sure to play up how you excel in others.Succeeding in a job search means selling the story of why your particular set of qualifications matter more than what you lack.

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Fair View of Modern Resume Template Free Download

A Fair View of Modern Resume vorlage Free Download What You Should Do to Find Out About Modern Resume Template Free Download Before Youre Left Behind The one issue with resume vorlage Microsoft Word might be that it is hard to edit. Employing Word, you can make your own vorlages for just about any application, including resumes. Moreover there are many resume vorlages Microsoft Word to pick from that its really hard to land on that 1 link which will actually do the job for you. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot online and can be downloaded for additional use. The Tried and True Method for Modern Resume Template Free Download in Step by Step Detail A basic resume is also less difficult to read. Seeking nice blank curriculum vitae templates you could just fill and print. Our Student Resume Template can help you land the best internships and positions that are available to you. When teachers want to turn in an application for a new job, they should highlight the ir finest attributes as a teacher. The Fundamentals of Modern Resume Template Free Download That You Can Learn From Beginning Immediately Bear in mind that your resume will be looked at by means of a hiring manager during the very first phase for no more than a couple of seconds. Resume Samples will be able to help you present your employment and education information the suitable way. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any stage in the creation approach. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for several reasons. The freebie was made by Alamin Mir. Most of our Resume Templates can be found in various color schemes to give you better editing opportunities. Its possible to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. Both may be used to create chronological or functional resumes. Modern Resume Template Free Download the Ultimate Convenience Every one of them boasts a clean a ppearance, yellow accents, and Roboto font, which will provide a modern appearance to your documents. Theres no specific length for a resume, and theres no standard to it. Thus it is vital to decide on the suitable font and size of the text. The majority of the templates are supplied by named, resume writing specialists and thus the quality is extremely great. What Modern Resume Template Free Download Is - and What it Is Not From time to time, youve got to send a brief resume. A good resume would assist with that. You can opt for chronological, functional together with modern resume formats. A variety of formats available An enormous benefit of our CV layouts is that theyre supported by all well-known formats. Any resume template word you pick is a sensible distribution of your professional and individual experiences made to maximize the impacts of the page to highlight your finest traits. 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Men and women utilize a variety of resume templates using different sort of design approaches, but ultimately its always likely to come to t he simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why youd be the ideal candidate for the position.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

9 Of The Most Annoying Things About Scheduling Interviews

9 Of The Most Annoying Things About Scheduling InterviewsTrying to find the perfect candidate for an open role within your organization is no easy feat. In fact, arecent study from Glassdoor found that the average bewerberinterview process in the United States now drags on for 22.9 days. Compare this to the 12.6 days it took in 2010 and its clear the time to fill honigweinric thats so important to hiring managers is headed in the wrong direction. While you want to feel confident in your hiring choice, a process that feels endless causes a strain on those doing the hiring and those seeking the career opportunity.When you couple this with the fact that just trying to get candidates in for an interview can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, its no wonder that hiring managers and recruiters alike often want to rip their hair out by the time theyve successfully come to a decision about who to hire. Where does this interview scheduling aggravation come from? Here are some of the most stress-inducing and annoying parts about scheduling interviewsFlaky candidatesYou finally manage to schedule an interview, but the candidate doesnt show or they cancel 15 minutes before youre due to meet. Not only is this rude, but it disrupts the whole flow of your day. It also prevents you from attending to other essential tasks.Instead of leaving yourself at the mercy of flaky candidates, you can learn to weed these individuals out and avoid this frustrating part of scheduling interviews when you spot the warning signs in advance. Some of these red flags includeThey take days to respondThere are a number of reasons for a candidates delayed response, but regardless of the reason, this shows theyre not heavily invested in the position. Perhaps theyre interviewing at a number of other places, maybe they have personal issues to attend to, or maybe theyre just hoping to land another job offer to use as leverage when they negotiate for a raise. If youre constantly waiting for a re ply from this individual, it may be best to move on to another applicant.If a candidate takes days to respond, you may want to move onto the next interview.Click To TweetThey never call back during business hoursWhile this may be mora challenging if the professional is currently working at another office, some degree of flexibility is required if the person is serious about obtaining another career opportunity. When the individual avoids interacting with you during business hours, they may not be committed to moving on from their current position.Theyre not being upfrontFirst, they tell you theyre available to start working right away. Then, they tell you theyll have to give a months notice to their current employer. If the details of the situation keeps changing, the person probably isnt committed to working for you.They continuously reschedule Unexpected things happen. Kids get sick and tires go flat, but if a candidate continuously finds reasons why they cant show up for their in terview, you should question their level of commitment, as far as the position is involved.Email chains that drag on and onYoure caught in an endless email chain with a candidate, trying to pick an interview time that works for both of you. It can take 24 hours to hear back from a candidate, only find out that the date and time doesnt work. Rather than deal with this frustration for weeks on end, use interview scheduling software that takes the tedious legwork out of the interview process. These tools make it much easier to nail down a date and time. Now, all you have to worry about is showing up fully prepared for the discussion. No more spending half of your day sending and replying to emails with date suggestions that just dont work for the candidate.Wasted time on candidates who dont fitPre-screening solutions, such as video interviewing, give you a better sense of who the candidate is before you begin moving through the important, but time-consuming process of scheduling an in- person interview. One-way video interviewing software, for example, lets the candidate respond to the initial interview questions on their own time. Best of all, you can watch their replies when its convenient for you. From there, you can opt to have an in-person conversation. If not, you havent blocked out an hour to talk to someone who isnt a good match. Whats more, you havent wasted days going back and forth just to interview someone who would never have met your requirements anyway.Additionally, the issue may be that youre too rigid about the requirements for a potential new hire. While education and experience are important, you can ultimately train an employee so they have the proper skills to complete the job. However, you cant teach someone to have an enthusiastic personality or the ability to cooperate with other team members. Consider the whole picture when youre weighing a candidates eligibility for the role.Scheduling multiple interviews into one dayWhen youre cramming 1 0 interviews into a single day, the candidates begin to blur together. This makes it challenging to make an informed hiring decision. You can hardly remember if John Smith was the one with the masters and trophy case of awards to his name or the one who showed up late and with a wrinkled shirt. So, how are you expected to remember if you felt he was the right person for the job? You might also feel rushed and be unable to get all of the information you need to make a choice that will benefit the business in the long-run.To prevent this from happening, block out enough time in your day to schliff the interviews that must get done that day. Also, make it a point not to overbook yourself. Its important to make sure the interview process doesnt draw on for months for both the candidates sake and your own, but it also doesnt need to be taken care of in a 24-hour span. Scheduling interviews is overwhelming. Try not to overbook yourself.Click To TweetRegardless of how much you love your jo b, you only have the mental capacity to retain a certain amount of information at once. There needs to be some strategy involved with the interview scheduling process in order to ensure each candidate is given a fair chance and receives the attention they deserve. Otherwise, everyone involved with the interview will feel aggravated.Scheduling interview back-to-backIt would be great if you could cover all of the interview essentials in 30 minutes, wrap it up, and move on to the next candidate right on time. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Candidates show up late, meetings run over, causing you to be late to the interview, unexpected questions during the conversation come up, and candidates ramble. When you dont block out enough time for an interview, you cause the rest of your day (and your other interviews youve scheduled) to get thrown off course. This may result in you having to reschedule, or it may make you feel rushed and, therefore, unable to give the next candidat e the amount of time and attention they truly deserve. Build in extra time for conversations that go longer than anticipated or other unexpected delays to avoid causing scheduling headaches that cause a ripple effect of disruptions throughout the rest of the day. Seeming impersonalWhile automated schedulers are highly useful in getting interviews set up quickly, if youre not careful, they can cause your process to take on a cold and impersonal nature. To prevent this, seek out software that allows you to customize your messaging carefully so that the contents remain on-brand even if youre not personally typing every du sagst es by hand. If you do need to rely on a few impersonal messages during the initial phases of the process, dont forget to interject a customized message every now and then to make the candidate feel welcome. Even one or two lines that you took the time to write can help show the individual that you do care and are invested.Panel-style interviews Rather than tryi ng to coordinate six different schedules from the get go, start by using video interviewing software for the first interview. From there, narrow the pool down and use a panel-style interview for the later round interviews. The one negative about panel interviews if you fail to agree on a rubric in advance, it can be tough to come to a consensus about the ideal choice for the job. Before you begin meeting with candidates, take the time to discuss what it is that youre looking for. What matters the most for this role. Is it education level? Experience? Community connections? Some combination of the above? You should also be sure to ask the same questions of each candidate so youre able to assess everyone fairly.Long-distance candidatesThere are a number of other issues that can cause frustration when its time to get an interview scheduled. For example, say youve found a candidate who you think will be a wonderful fit, except shes currently living in Japan and youre in New York City. B ecause of this, trying to set up an interview time that works for both of you seems nearly impossible. Youre not usually emailing one another at the same time, so even setting up the initial interview can take awhile. And finding a time to get you both on Skype seems tricky, too. This is where tools like scheduling software and video interviewing come in handy.Employed candidatesHiring managers often find it frustrating to work with individuals who are currently employed, as they cant always reply during business hours and may need to come in for an interview at off times. Rather than ruling this individual out because theyre making the process more difficult, be flexible particularly if the professional seems like theyd be a good fit for the role. Bear in mind they (hopefully) wont always be this difficult to work with, so tolerate the temporary inconvenience in hopes of finding a good fit for your position.While getting interviews scheduled can be a tedious process, technology ca n help move things along more smoothly and take some of the stress off of hiring managers and recruiters. This is especially useful if you plan to work with candidates who are currently in other time zones or if you rely on panel-style interviews to make your choices.What do you find most annoying about scheduling interviews? How do you solve these issues? To solve your interview scheduling challenges, take a look at Spark Hiresinterview scheduling software.