Monday, December 30, 2019

This is how important it is to have a supportive manager

This is how important it is to have a kooperationive managerThis is how important it is to have a supportive managerAs anyone who has had a good mentor or a bad babo at work knows all too well, when someone believes in you, it can make all the difference. A new survey by the American Psychological Association of1,076 U.S. workers found that a managers support can make or break an employees experience at a job. The workers were asked to rate their supervisors support across a number of dimensions, on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.FollowLadders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard coveringHappiness,Productivity,Job Satisfaction,Neuroscience, andmoreSurvey Unsupportive bosses create unsatisfied employees with one foot out the doorWhether or not your boss welches supportive or disengaged determined employees paths and organizational outcomes. Employees with supportive bosses were twice as likely to report feeling valued by their employer and feeling satisf ied with their jobs and were twice as likely to recommend the job to others.Meanwhile, when your boss is terrible and could care less about your career, you departure to care less about your job, too. You may even start looking a recruiter emails and job board listings with more interest. More than half of the employees lacking supervisor support said they intended to leave their jobs within the next year.The lack of support also breeds mistrust. Fifty-six percent of workers who said they had unsupportive bosses also said that they do not trust their employer.How to measure a bosss supportWhether or not your boss gave you career development opportunities was the biggest predictor into whether or not you thought they were a supportive boss or not. Employees getting the opportunities to develop technical, management, and leadership skills for their futures accounted for 60% in variance between employees with supportive bosses and disengaged ones.When bosses set an expectation that emp loyees would need to focus on their training and development, employees sense of support grew, too.These are not opportunities enough of us are getting. Men were more likely to have supportive bosses than women. While over 85% of men and women reported that their boss was giving them the necessary training to do their job now, fewer women than men reported that their bosses were giving them the opportunities to develop the leadership and technical skills theyll need in the future. This finding may suggest that bosses are more likely to binnensee men as leaders than women.An equally important factor to employees feeling supported is whether or not employers had time to follow through on ansicht promises of support. Employees were asked if their employer set aside time during work hours for job training and career development. Only 52% of employees agreed that they had enough time in their work days to follow through on these opportunities.This survey shows how a supervisors support c an have a huge influence on your job and career. A good one can bring out the best in you and set you on the path to greatness. A bad one can be poison, tainting your daily satisfaction with your work and what you see as your potential. When theres a lack of managerial support, employees notice and are less likely to stick around. Employees dont quit jobs, they quit bosses.This article originally appeared Oct. 31, 2017.This is how important it is to have a supportive managerAs anyone who has had a good mentor or a bad boss at work knows all too well, when someone believes in you, it can make all the difference. A new survey by the American Psychological Association of1,076 U.S. workers found that a managers support can make or break an employees experience at a job. The workers were asked to rate their supervisors support across a number of dimensions, on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.Survey Unsupportive bosses create unsatisfied employees with one foot out the do orWhether or not your boss was supportive or disengaged determined employees paths and organizational outcomes. Employees with supportive bosses were twice as likely to report feeling valued by their employer and feeling satisfied with their jobs and were twice as likely to recommend the job to others.Meanwhile, when your boss is terrible and could care less about your career, you start to care less about your job, too. You may even start looking a recruiter emails and job board listings with more interest. More than half of the employees lacking supervisor support said they intended to leave their jobs within the next year.The lack of support also breeds mistrust. Fifty-six percent of workers who said they had unsupportive bosses also said that they do not trust their employer.How to measure a bosss supportWhether or not your boss gave you career development opportunities was the biggest predictor into whether or not you thought they were a supportive boss or not. Employees getting the opportunities to develop technical, management, and leadership skills for their futures accounted for 60% in variance between employees with supportive bosses and disengaged ones.When bosses set an expectation that employees would need to focus on their training and development, employees sense of support grew, too.These are not opportunities enough of us are getting. Men were more likely to have supportive bosses than women. While over 85% of men and women reported that their boss was giving them the necessary training to do their job now, fewer women than men reported that their bosses were giving them the opportunities to develop the leadership and technical skills theyll need in the future. This finding may suggest that bosses are more likely to see men as leaders than women.An equally important factor to employees feeling supported is whether or not employers had time to follow through on these promises of support. Employees were asked if their employer set aside time duri ng work hours for job training and career development. Only 52% of employees agreed that they had enough time in their work days to follow through on these opportunities.This survey shows how a supervisors support can have a huge influence on your job and career. A good one can bring out the best in you and set you on the path to greatness. A bad one can be poison, tainting your daily satisfaction with your work and what you see as your potential. When theres a lack of managerial support, employees notice and are less likely to stick around. Employees dont quit jobs, they quit bosses.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Infographic Says Career Specific Training Gives Job Seekers Advantage

Infographic Says Career Specific Training Gives Job Seekers Advantage Infographic Says Career Specific Training Gives Job Seekers Advantage Chicago-based Computer Systems Institute has created an infographic, Hire Education 4 Reasons Your Career Specific Training Makes you the Best Hire, that offers some data on why opting for vocational career training just may be the better route for landing a job post-graduation.Reason 1 More skills than the average graduate9 in 10 employees say colleges arent fully preparing grads for the workforce7 in 10 employers would hire someone without a bachelors degree as long as the candidate was a good fit or had great credentials91 percent of managers say I.T. certifications are a good way to judge a candidates valueReason 2 Require less on-the job trainingBecause grads from vocational schools already have job-specific training, theyll cost the company less money51 percent of jobs today have specific technical requirements60 percent of companies expe ct even more technical requirements 3-5 years from nowReason 3 Have career-specific experience63 percent of employers say recent graduates need to research the industry more thoroughly to improve their candidacyMost employers value experience over academicsIn the science/technology field, 50 percent of employers value experience while just 19 percent value academicsReason 4 Equipped to advance67 percent of I.T. professionals say that job-specific training has helped them get a raise/promotion27 percent of people with licenses or certifications earn more than those with bachelors degreesMen who have computer/information technology certificates can earn 72 percent more than those with associate degrees

Friday, December 20, 2019

Difference Between Hard News and Features in Magazines

Difference Between Hard News and Features in MagazinesDifference Between Hard News and Features in MagazinesMost of us dont give a lot of thought to the technical definition of what were reading when we open a newspaper or other print publication or access one online. In fact, leid all news stories are created equal. If youre considering a career in journalism, your success can hinge on knowing the difference between a straight news piece and a feature. Features Are Defined by Length and Style A feature is typically longer than a voreingestellt news story. Its written in a different writing style, typically with more detail and background based on more extensive research than would be required to simply report a news event. Features can vary widely- you might write a news feature, an arts feature or a human interest feature. Although the term implies softer news, a feature is often defined by its length and style, not necessarily its subject matter.The style component is importan t. Features humanize events and issues rather than make a recitation of facts. Why should your readers care about theevent youre writing about? Explain why they might. You might address this question in your opening paragraph or paragraphs, hooking your readers, then move on to more of the nuts and bolts of your topic. Think of it like the difference between Dragnet and telling a friend a story over coffee. A news report might be Just the facts, maam. Your feature will be friendlier, though not at the risk of solid facts and research. Features in Magazines Features often appear in magazines, although they also appear in newspapers and on websites. Readers tend to prefer them over straight-line hard news reports. Youll usually find a magazines features toward themiddle section of a magazine. This section is known as the feature well. How to Write a Feature Writing a featurebegins with two important factors your topic and how much space you can devote to ityour assigned word c ount. You must work within this parameter, which means you cant stray off topic. You should, however, go into as much depth as possible. This usually includes conducting interviews and gathering background information. For example, a news report might read Witnesses report that the pipe burst at 132 p.m.While a feature mightread Joe Smith said he saw the pipe burstfrom his kitchen window just as he was cleaning up from lunch, at 132 p.m. Water shot 10 feet high and drenched everyone in sight, Smith said. Features typically includeexpert opinions.Why did the pipe burst? You might get statements from a knowledgeable pipefitter explaining likely problems the pipe may have had. Did any passersby sustain injuries? A news report would most likely give a yes or no answer to that, and, if so, cite the number of injured bystanders. A feature would delve into whether the city or municipality that was responsible for maintaining the pipe might be liable for those injuries. It could include a s tatement from someone in authority at the city or municipality regarding the incident and whether that part believes any negligence might have occurred. The idea behind a feature is to go one step further Youre not just telling your reader what happened. Youre explaining why its important, who is affected and presenting the big picture.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What a Backline Is In Music

What a Backline Is In MusicWhat a Backline Is In MusicBackline is a term used to describe audio amplification equipment for bands behind the stage, such as amplifiers for guitars or synthesizers. Some bands and venues have expanded the meaning of backline to include other instruments for musicians, including bass guitars, keyboards, drum kits, and other percussion instruments. It is used to discuss the needs of a band for an upcoming performance. Backline technicians are responsible for setting up, maintaining and fixing backline equipment. Technicians that travel with the band from place to place are known as roadies, and keep all equipment running smoothly wherever the band is playing.? Backline and Booking Gigs When a gig is booked, sometime before the concert, the werber, manager, or band should check with the manager, venue, or club to discuss the backline needs of the band the promoter will need to know what the band is bringing with them in terms of instruments, mics, and amps, and what the promoter will need to provide. The promoter will also need to know the technical specifications for the band. Exactly whose job is it to provide backline depends on how the show was booked and what size the show is. If a band has booked a show directly with a venue that they are promoting themselves, then the band needs to figure out what the venue can provide for them and make arrangements for everything else themselves. If a band books a show with a promoter, the promoter generally will make sure the backline is in place, although if the promoter has to rent equipment for the show, they will usually charge these costs back to the band. If an agent has booked the show with a promoter, then the agent and promoter should handle the backline negotiations. Renting Equipment In some bases, backline equipment can be rented for touring or studio use, as many musicians prefer not to carry their instruments from location to location. Carrying such bulky equipment can be expensive, time-consuming and carries the risk of damaging necessary items. Many companies offer comprehensive backline supplies, including items not traditionally considered backline, such as instruments. With advance notice, companies can usually get additional equipment if needed. Major cities have their backline suppliers, with some national chains offering discounts of bands with multi-city tours which need equipment in each location. Companies typically offer guitars, bass guitars, bass amplifiers, keyboards, modules, drums, cymbals, percussion instruments, accessories, staging equipment such as lights and more. Renting backline makes travel easier and less costlysince huge batches of equipment do not need to be shipped. However, it can pose some unique challenges for musicians. For instance, if a musician is used to the feel and sound of a particular guitar, switching to a new one off of a companys inventory list can feel strange and could even affect the guitarists perfor mance. It is why some bands travel with their essential equipment, such as guitars, and rent the other materials. While the term backline has been broadened to include a wide range of musical equipment, a backline has always been essential to a bands success. Understanding backline and the unique needs of the band and the setup of the venueis imperative in planning a successful event or show.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Survey 61% of entry-level jobs require 3+ years of experience

Survey 61% of entry-level jobs require 3+ years of experienceSurvey 61% of entry-level jobs require 3+ years of experienceEmerging professionals who are early in their career face a conundrum You need a job in order to get experience, but you need experience in order to get a job - how do you get one without the other?New employees recognize that it can be hard to convince an employer to take a chance on them, but a new survey revealed just how hard it can be to find an entry-level job willing to take a chance on someone with little to no experience.Analyzing arandom sample of 95,363 jobs, TalentWorks found that entry-level job candidates face an uphill battle finding jobs within their experience level. The majority (61%) of all full-time jobs seeking entry-level employees required at least three years or mora of experience. Thats a lot of experience for someone just starting their career. In fact, TalentWorks expects this number to only get worse for future entry-level employees.Em ployers have also been driving experience inflation, which is especially dangerous for younger workers, the research states. For entry-level jobs, theamount of work experience required to get a job has been steadily increasing at 2.8% per year.That means future generations of workers have raised expectations to look forward to when they join the labor market.If you dont have the years of experience, dont be discouragedIf youre an entry-level employee feeling discouraged by these findings, dont count yourself out, though. The good news is that most employers use job year requirements as ideal guidelines, not hard requirements. Required qualifications in job ads are like wish lists, not inflexible lists of requirements.Those qualifications are a composite of someones idea of the ideal candidate, Ask a Managers Alison Green advised one under-qualified candidate.Believe me, they will look at people who dont perfectly match it.So when a job posting requires four years of experience and y ou only have two, youre not automatically disqualified.If you think you could do the job, apply anyway.Of course, if you are lacking in one area of experience, be sure to play up how you excel in others.Succeeding in a job search means selling the story of why your particular set of qualifications matter more than what you lack.

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Fair View of Modern Resume Template Free Download

A Fair View of Modern Resume vorlage Free Download What You Should Do to Find Out About Modern Resume Template Free Download Before Youre Left Behind The one issue with resume vorlage Microsoft Word might be that it is hard to edit. Employing Word, you can make your own vorlages for just about any application, including resumes. Moreover there are many resume vorlages Microsoft Word to pick from that its really hard to land on that 1 link which will actually do the job for you. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot online and can be downloaded for additional use. The Tried and True Method for Modern Resume Template Free Download in Step by Step Detail A basic resume is also less difficult to read. Seeking nice blank curriculum vitae templates you could just fill and print. Our Student Resume Template can help you land the best internships and positions that are available to you. When teachers want to turn in an application for a new job, they should highlight the ir finest attributes as a teacher. The Fundamentals of Modern Resume Template Free Download That You Can Learn From Beginning Immediately Bear in mind that your resume will be looked at by means of a hiring manager during the very first phase for no more than a couple of seconds. Resume Samples will be able to help you present your employment and education information the suitable way. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any stage in the creation approach. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for several reasons. The freebie was made by Alamin Mir. Most of our Resume Templates can be found in various color schemes to give you better editing opportunities. Its possible to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. Both may be used to create chronological or functional resumes. Modern Resume Template Free Download the Ultimate Convenience Every one of them boasts a clean a ppearance, yellow accents, and Roboto font, which will provide a modern appearance to your documents. Theres no specific length for a resume, and theres no standard to it. Thus it is vital to decide on the suitable font and size of the text. The majority of the templates are supplied by named, resume writing specialists and thus the quality is extremely great. What Modern Resume Template Free Download Is - and What it Is Not From time to time, youve got to send a brief resume. A good resume would assist with that. You can opt for chronological, functional together with modern resume formats. A variety of formats available An enormous benefit of our CV layouts is that theyre supported by all well-known formats. Any resume template word you pick is a sensible distribution of your professional and individual experiences made to maximize the impacts of the page to highlight your finest traits. 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Men and women utilize a variety of resume templates using different sort of design approaches, but ultimately its always likely to come to t he simple fact that your resume should convey a very clear message above your skills, your experience, and also why youd be the ideal candidate for the position.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

9 Of The Most Annoying Things About Scheduling Interviews

9 Of The Most Annoying Things About Scheduling InterviewsTrying to find the perfect candidate for an open role within your organization is no easy feat. In fact, arecent study from Glassdoor found that the average bewerberinterview process in the United States now drags on for 22.9 days. Compare this to the 12.6 days it took in 2010 and its clear the time to fill honigweinric thats so important to hiring managers is headed in the wrong direction. While you want to feel confident in your hiring choice, a process that feels endless causes a strain on those doing the hiring and those seeking the career opportunity.When you couple this with the fact that just trying to get candidates in for an interview can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, its no wonder that hiring managers and recruiters alike often want to rip their hair out by the time theyve successfully come to a decision about who to hire. Where does this interview scheduling aggravation come from? Here are some of the most stress-inducing and annoying parts about scheduling interviewsFlaky candidatesYou finally manage to schedule an interview, but the candidate doesnt show or they cancel 15 minutes before youre due to meet. Not only is this rude, but it disrupts the whole flow of your day. It also prevents you from attending to other essential tasks.Instead of leaving yourself at the mercy of flaky candidates, you can learn to weed these individuals out and avoid this frustrating part of scheduling interviews when you spot the warning signs in advance. Some of these red flags includeThey take days to respondThere are a number of reasons for a candidates delayed response, but regardless of the reason, this shows theyre not heavily invested in the position. Perhaps theyre interviewing at a number of other places, maybe they have personal issues to attend to, or maybe theyre just hoping to land another job offer to use as leverage when they negotiate for a raise. If youre constantly waiting for a re ply from this individual, it may be best to move on to another applicant.If a candidate takes days to respond, you may want to move onto the next interview.Click To TweetThey never call back during business hoursWhile this may be mora challenging if the professional is currently working at another office, some degree of flexibility is required if the person is serious about obtaining another career opportunity. When the individual avoids interacting with you during business hours, they may not be committed to moving on from their current position.Theyre not being upfrontFirst, they tell you theyre available to start working right away. Then, they tell you theyll have to give a months notice to their current employer. If the details of the situation keeps changing, the person probably isnt committed to working for you.They continuously reschedule Unexpected things happen. Kids get sick and tires go flat, but if a candidate continuously finds reasons why they cant show up for their in terview, you should question their level of commitment, as far as the position is involved.Email chains that drag on and onYoure caught in an endless email chain with a candidate, trying to pick an interview time that works for both of you. It can take 24 hours to hear back from a candidate, only find out that the date and time doesnt work. Rather than deal with this frustration for weeks on end, use interview scheduling software that takes the tedious legwork out of the interview process. These tools make it much easier to nail down a date and time. Now, all you have to worry about is showing up fully prepared for the discussion. No more spending half of your day sending and replying to emails with date suggestions that just dont work for the candidate.Wasted time on candidates who dont fitPre-screening solutions, such as video interviewing, give you a better sense of who the candidate is before you begin moving through the important, but time-consuming process of scheduling an in- person interview. One-way video interviewing software, for example, lets the candidate respond to the initial interview questions on their own time. Best of all, you can watch their replies when its convenient for you. From there, you can opt to have an in-person conversation. If not, you havent blocked out an hour to talk to someone who isnt a good match. Whats more, you havent wasted days going back and forth just to interview someone who would never have met your requirements anyway.Additionally, the issue may be that youre too rigid about the requirements for a potential new hire. While education and experience are important, you can ultimately train an employee so they have the proper skills to complete the job. However, you cant teach someone to have an enthusiastic personality or the ability to cooperate with other team members. Consider the whole picture when youre weighing a candidates eligibility for the role.Scheduling multiple interviews into one dayWhen youre cramming 1 0 interviews into a single day, the candidates begin to blur together. This makes it challenging to make an informed hiring decision. You can hardly remember if John Smith was the one with the masters and trophy case of awards to his name or the one who showed up late and with a wrinkled shirt. So, how are you expected to remember if you felt he was the right person for the job? You might also feel rushed and be unable to get all of the information you need to make a choice that will benefit the business in the long-run.To prevent this from happening, block out enough time in your day to schliff the interviews that must get done that day. Also, make it a point not to overbook yourself. Its important to make sure the interview process doesnt draw on for months for both the candidates sake and your own, but it also doesnt need to be taken care of in a 24-hour span. Scheduling interviews is overwhelming. Try not to overbook yourself.Click To TweetRegardless of how much you love your jo b, you only have the mental capacity to retain a certain amount of information at once. There needs to be some strategy involved with the interview scheduling process in order to ensure each candidate is given a fair chance and receives the attention they deserve. Otherwise, everyone involved with the interview will feel aggravated.Scheduling interview back-to-backIt would be great if you could cover all of the interview essentials in 30 minutes, wrap it up, and move on to the next candidate right on time. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Candidates show up late, meetings run over, causing you to be late to the interview, unexpected questions during the conversation come up, and candidates ramble. When you dont block out enough time for an interview, you cause the rest of your day (and your other interviews youve scheduled) to get thrown off course. This may result in you having to reschedule, or it may make you feel rushed and, therefore, unable to give the next candidat e the amount of time and attention they truly deserve. Build in extra time for conversations that go longer than anticipated or other unexpected delays to avoid causing scheduling headaches that cause a ripple effect of disruptions throughout the rest of the day. Seeming impersonalWhile automated schedulers are highly useful in getting interviews set up quickly, if youre not careful, they can cause your process to take on a cold and impersonal nature. To prevent this, seek out software that allows you to customize your messaging carefully so that the contents remain on-brand even if youre not personally typing every du sagst es by hand. If you do need to rely on a few impersonal messages during the initial phases of the process, dont forget to interject a customized message every now and then to make the candidate feel welcome. Even one or two lines that you took the time to write can help show the individual that you do care and are invested.Panel-style interviews Rather than tryi ng to coordinate six different schedules from the get go, start by using video interviewing software for the first interview. From there, narrow the pool down and use a panel-style interview for the later round interviews. The one negative about panel interviews if you fail to agree on a rubric in advance, it can be tough to come to a consensus about the ideal choice for the job. Before you begin meeting with candidates, take the time to discuss what it is that youre looking for. What matters the most for this role. Is it education level? Experience? Community connections? Some combination of the above? You should also be sure to ask the same questions of each candidate so youre able to assess everyone fairly.Long-distance candidatesThere are a number of other issues that can cause frustration when its time to get an interview scheduled. For example, say youve found a candidate who you think will be a wonderful fit, except shes currently living in Japan and youre in New York City. B ecause of this, trying to set up an interview time that works for both of you seems nearly impossible. Youre not usually emailing one another at the same time, so even setting up the initial interview can take awhile. And finding a time to get you both on Skype seems tricky, too. This is where tools like scheduling software and video interviewing come in handy.Employed candidatesHiring managers often find it frustrating to work with individuals who are currently employed, as they cant always reply during business hours and may need to come in for an interview at off times. Rather than ruling this individual out because theyre making the process more difficult, be flexible particularly if the professional seems like theyd be a good fit for the role. Bear in mind they (hopefully) wont always be this difficult to work with, so tolerate the temporary inconvenience in hopes of finding a good fit for your position.While getting interviews scheduled can be a tedious process, technology ca n help move things along more smoothly and take some of the stress off of hiring managers and recruiters. This is especially useful if you plan to work with candidates who are currently in other time zones or if you rely on panel-style interviews to make your choices.What do you find most annoying about scheduling interviews? How do you solve these issues? To solve your interview scheduling challenges, take a look at Spark Hiresinterview scheduling software.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Ways to Impress Your New Boss When Youre Starting a Job - The Muse

5 Ways to Impress Your New Boss When Youre Starting a Job - The Muse5 Ways to Impress Your New Boss When Youre Starting a JobEveryone knows first impressions are important, but its less obvious that the first impression for a new job can take 60, 90, or even 180 days to make. Why? In large companies, it can take that long just to meet all of the important business partners and customers with whom you will be working. Every initial exchange, meeting, or discussion contributes to the first impression people have of you. In smaller companies, where meeting everyone takes less time, new hires tend to feel more watched and evaluated. The term under the microscope becomes their mantra. During the first 90 days of your new position, youre establishing credibility so that you can actually do your job. Heres how smart people use that time1. They View Starting a New Job as an Exercise in Personal BrandingMake no mistake, you will be judged based on how you show up at work. Your work is your br and- as is your general demeanor, reliability in showing up for meetings or completing projects on time, and the way you dress. Even more important, but more subtle, is how appropriately you open up to your new co-workers. Do you undershare, omitting valuable feedback because youre uncomfortable saying anything that isnt complimentary? Do you overshare as a way to try and build connections? All of these things combine to make up how youre perceived by your new colleagues. Smart people work to be known as a person who is interesting and easy to talk to, but who can also buckle down and get to work. 2. They Chill OutNews flash You got the job Studies have proven that anxiety is contagious. Starting a new job is exciting for you, but its just anotlageher day at the office for everyone else. Be calm and strive to match the energy and pace of the office environment, even if its different than yours. Once you are known, you can go at your own pace, but until then, dont be the hyper-anxio us person everyone intuitively wants to avoid. Smart people take a deep breath when theyre feeling overwhelmed and make a composed, can-do impression at their new job. 3. They Use the 70/30 RuleAre you familiar with the 70/30 rule? It suggests that 70% of the time you ask questions and inquire about how things work. Then, the other 30% of the time, share background on yourself so people get to know you and how you think. If you monopolize the conversation by talking about yourself too much, people may mistake it for arrogance, or alternatively for trying too hard. Smart people learn to ask incisive (but not invasive) questions about the organization. That way your interviews and discussions with people will have value for them as well as for you. 4. They Do Their HomeworkBy the time they show up on day one, people who want to hit the ground running have already done the preliminary research to understand the bigger context of what their new organization does, why, and how prior eve nts informed the current practices. In between being hired and starting a new job, they find someone at the organization- often a hiring manager or a peer who reports to the same person- to exchange a few emails with to get up to speed. By doing their homework ahead of time, smart people are able to engage their co-workers in conversations that are deeper and more valuable than just catching up. 5. They Pay Attention to Company CultureWhat are the assumptions and beliefs that drive peoples behaviors and actions? Collectively, these define the culture of the organization. You can neither buck nor support it until you get it. For those who are immersed in it, culture becomes innate, and because of this, some of the people who epitomize it (the fish in the proverbial water) cant tell you about it. Smart people learn about the environment not by what people say they are going to do, or what they say they value, but by watching what people actually do. How are customers treated? How does the company engage the hearts and minds of the employees? Are policies implemented and enforced consistently, and if not- why not? Starting a new job is a high-stakes transition. You will never be more ignorant about how to fit in than when you start but on the other hand, you will be making lasting first impressions from the very beginning. Do what smart people do and find the balance. Be yourself, but be on. Relax, but listen and ask great questions. Finally, understand the big picture and tap into the culture. Photo of light bulb courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bring Your Passion Back to Work

Bring Your Passion Back to WorkBring Your Passion Back to WorkRemember the days when you loved going to work? You were challenged, excited, and ready for your next adventure. Then again, perhaps you were never passionate about your work.You can discover the passion thats available in your work or rediscover the passion you once had for your work.In an email interview with Brett Bacon,the author of Millionaire Selling Secrets, he talks about how to discover thepassion for your job that you never knew existedIt is so easy to forgetwhyyou do the work and focus only onhowyou do it. You need to focus on thewhybehind your work to discover passion for it. The first step is to identify all of the benefits that you provide to your customers. Ask yourself the following questions to identify the benefits?How will my product or service improve the lives of my customers?How do I add value for my customers?What is unique about what I offer that I can be truly proud of?To do this, write down the be nefits you believe you provide for your customers. Then select the benefits that excite you the most. Next, identify the features of your product or service that you think your customers may want. What will excite them? What is unique about you or what you offer? Finally, match up the features you identified with the customer benefits.Take this information and develop a sales mantra that is, think of one sentence that captures the essence of the key benefit that you provide to your customers. Your sales mantra is personal to you. It is the essence of why you are so passionate about your work.Bacon explains that this is important because, You need to remind yourself throughout the day why you do the work that you do. If you dont remind yourself, you can get sidetracked by daily difficulties and setbacks and lose your focus, which will drain away your passion.Demonstrate Your Work Passion to Your CustomersMost importantly, once youve generated enthusiasm in yourself, you are ready to tell your customers about your product or your service- with passion and excitement.You should feel very proud of what you can do for your customers. Tell everyone you know about your passion for serving your customers. This will help you build and maintain your own passion.The second major stepis to display your passion to your client or customer. Its not enough that you feel the passion inside. You have to let the customers know you are passionate about your product and your service to them.Bacon suggests these ideas for displaying passion to your customer or clientIt starts with your body posture show energy and excitement in your body posture and movement. Give all of your customers a warm greeting.Your voice is a key indicator of passion put some passion into your voice by speaking with energy and commitment. Dont let the volume of your voice trail off at the end of your sentences- keep the volume up so that you can be heard- your customers will appreciate it and it shows conf idence and passion for your work.Make sure to vary the pitch of your voice avoid speaking in a monotone. And vary the pace of your words. Slow down your pace for key, essential points and increase the speed of your words slightly when moving to another topic and to convey excitement.Maintain eye contact with your customer. This shows that you are interested in your customers and you can also watch their expressions to get valuable feedback on their reactions to your presentation. Think of your customers as your friends. Dont be too stiff and formal. Use some tasteful humor to make your points.Realize the Benefits of Your PassionBacon goes on to say thatIf you show passion in your work every day and with every customer, youwillget more sales and youwillbe more persuasive in your work. This in turn will fuel your passion even more. Passion for your work will also help you get through the tough parts of your day. When you are passionate about your work, the day goes by much faster and you are happy about the contribution that you make to your customers and the community.Identify all of the essential tasks that you must do each day to get the job done. Focus throughout the day on the tasks that you feel most passionate about and understand that you must still complete the essential tasks that you do not enjoy in order to get to the tasks that you do enjoy.There is no one else in the world exactly like you, Bacon says. He believes that even if your product or service is widely available, who you are and the passion you bring to your work and to your customers is what makes you uniquely you.If you can hold onto the passion for your product or service and demonstrate that passion to your customers or clients, their response will reinforce your work passion.Brett Bacon has afree newsletter that is available at his website andis also the co-author of Wake Up...Live the Life You Love In Service. He is an entrepreneur, attorney, speaker, and business coach whose innovati ve ideas have changed the way people think about business and the selling profession.

AM3D Conference in Boston Begins Aug. 2

AM3D Conference in Boston Begins Aug. 2 AM3D Conference in Boston Begins Aug. 2 AM3D Conference in Boston Begins Aug. 2 The ASME Additive Manufacturing + 3D Printing Conference Expo (AM3D) kicks off in just a few weeks, so now is the time to register for the conference - the only cross-industry event designed specifically for the engineering community. Visit the conferences updated website, at, which was recently redesigned to enable users to find the information they need more quickly and easily. AM3D, which will run from Aug. 2 to 5 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Mass., will be held in conjunction with ASMEs International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE). With a technical program that has been customized around the product development process, AM3D will highlight the issues and challenges associated with each step of the additive manufacturing lifecycle, including making the business case; selecting parts and designing for additive manufacturing; material considerations; process advancements; and inspection and quality control issues. One of the highlights of AM3D will be the keynote presentation, The Engineering Behind 3D Printing, which will take place on Aug. 3 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The session will feature Hod Lipson, professor of engineering at Cornell, and Jason Lopes, lead systems engineer for special effects studio Legacy Effects, who will discuss the how additive manufacturing is transforming the world today and is poised to become a disruptive force in established industries in the near future. The third keynote speaker, Bruce Bradshaw, vice president of marketing Stratasys Ltd., will present an overview of the additive manufacturing /3D printing market and the ground-breaking solutions and benefits these tools are providing in industries the manufacturing, medical, automotive, aerospace and entertainment fields, just to name a few. The four-day program will also include presentations from dozens of other additive manufacturing experts, including Ian Ferguson, lead engineer at Formlabs; Bryan Fischer, owner of MBD360; Jennifer Herron, owner of Action Engineering; Gordon Kurtenbach, director of research for Autodesk; Brenan McCarragher, director for RD and education at Draper Laboratory; Joseph Manzo, founder of Titan Industries; Tim Shinbara, vice president of manufacturing technology for the Association for Manufacturing Technology; Brent Stucker, chief executive officer at 3DSIM; Grant Thomas-Lepore, director of products for GrabCAD; and Simin Zhou, vice president for digital manufacturing technologies at UL. Other special events will include mini-talks and a social meetup for early career engineers, a number of special workshops and tutorials, and two student engineering design competitions: the Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D Challenge (IAM3D) and the Innovative Design Simulation Challenge (IDSC). Registration for the Additive Manufacturing + 3D Printing Conference and Expo will also include entry to the IDETC/CIE. For information on registration prices and to register, visit For more information on the AM3D conference program, download a copy of the event brochure, or visit the AM3D website at  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Whats the most effective piece of financial advice you received

What's the most effective piece of financial advice you received What's the most effective piece of financial advice you received ‘What is the single most effective piece of financial advice you’ve ever received?’ Max out your 401k and start early. Invest in Mutual funds with a low expense ratio.When I signed up for my first 401k, I spent hours pouring over thick prospectuses, attempting to outsmart the market and pick “the best and smartest” fund.I was working for an investment bank, so I also consulted my highly esteemed - and highly-paid - colleagues.In public they prioritized: Past performance: 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year returns The glitziness of the fund manager: their background, current firm, top picks, affiliations, and brand The type of investment the funds made: were they in the hot markets of technology, dot-coms, healthcare, and real estate? However, one colleague gave me the most effective piece of financial advice, look at the fund’s Expense Ratio. The expense ratio does not include the cost of buying a fund. This expense is referred to the sales load fee, and is a one-time event.The expense ratio represents the percentage of the fund’s assets that go towards the expense of running the mutual fund. The expense ratio covers: investment advisory fee administrative costs 12b-1 distribution fees other operating expenses With an expense ratio of 1%, a mutual fund is paying itself 1% of the total money in the fund every year, irrespective of how the fund does. Even if the fund loses money, you will be out the expense ratio. So, typically the higher the expense ratio, the lower your return.It is tempting to look at past performance, or brand of the fund, as this can be an effective strategy in predicting many things in life. However, there is little evidence that investing in funds that have performed well in the past is a good strategy to pick those that will do well in the future.There are hundreds of funds out there and roughly half outperform the market and half underperform the market over any period of time. By sheer chance, there are going to be some outliers that have done incredibly well and the ones that performed terribly will disappear (leading to a bias if you only evaluate funds that currently exist).There is little to evidence that any given fund that has outperformed the market will con tinue to do so. However, there is a lot of evidence that a high expense ratio fund will result in higher expenses and lower returns than one with a lower expense ratio.Also, as Marie Stein rightly mentions in the comments: “keep in mind though, that some funds also charge front-end sales loads, back-end sales loads, and/or redemption fees. For instance, a fund might have a low annual expense ratio; but a sales load on the front end, or redemption fees and loads on the back end which may nip into your returns.”This article first appeared on Quora.

Monday, November 18, 2019

How To Choose Between Great Job Candidates

How To Choose Between Great Job Candidates How To Choose Between Great Job Candidates How To Choose Between Great Job Candidates Lewis With the national unemployment rateremaining stubbornly high, you may have been faced with the daunting task of choosing from a pool of eligible applicants with the right interview questions. Some of these applicants maybe overqualified. How can you choose a candidate that will fulfill the jobs responsibilities and be a suitable match to your company culture? By targeting your interview questions to align with your businesss needs. The following interview questions will help you navigate through a sea of gifted applicants, as you strive to hire top talentfor your organization. Sample Interview Questions: Tell me about the most significant challenges you have encountered throughout your career. How did you overcome these issues? What steps did you implement to resolve them? As the owner of a home health care business based in Rochester Hills, Mich., Penny VanDette copes with the unavoidable challenges of many small business owners: project overload and staff shortages. She looks for top talent who will consistently rise above such issues and exceed expectations. In her interviews, VanDette focuses on the candidates perceptions of past challenges and how they utilized their problem-solving skills. I am particularly interested in hiring candidates who are risk-takers and are able to creatively approach any problems they encounter on a daily basis, she says. Follow up with additional questions: Did you resolve past conflicts alone or with the assistance of fellow team members? Was there a positive outcome for both you and your former employer? How were you able to apply these lessons to other similar scenarios? Describe these scenarios and their ultimate outcomes. Sample Interview Questions:How did you contribute to the fiscal and business goals of your previous employers?How can you apply this experience to our organization? Small business owners must often rely on employees who can assist with day-by-day operations, including office management and budget implementation. Jill Morrone, owner of an educational supply company in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, pursues a line of interview questions that illustrate how the candidate benefited the fiscal and business goals of previous employers. I am generally interested in conducting further interviews with candidates who have positively contributed to past employers monetary and business objectives, while working as a distinguished team player, says Morrone. Potential follow-up interview questions to ask: Have you had the opportunity to assist with developing a budget? Did you offer to initiate cost-reduction strategies? How comfortable were you this role? Were your financial ideas well-received by your fellow colleagues? Were your ideas implemented? What was the outcome? As a result, were you perceived as a reliable team player? If so, how? Sample Interview Questions: How have previous bosses viewed your work? Why? As the human resources representative of a promotional product manufacturer in Troy, Mich., Herb Weidman pursues candidates who, throughout the interview process, willingly convey positive working relationships with former supervisors. Candidates should offer interviewers examples of evaluations they have received from past employers, says Weidman. It is always very helpful for candidates to bring such evaluations with them to interviews. Ask the candidate to recreate specific scenarios that best illustrate the reasons behind the positive feedback. Sample Interview Questions: What are your current career goals? Are you interested in long-term or short-term employment? Do you see your career goals changing in the near future? The hiring processcan require significant time and resources to interview and employ suitable candidates. For Anthony Alichwer, owner of a small photography business in Easton, Penn., that means knowing your own businesss needs and being sure that they align with the candidates personal timeline. If I have a long-term position available, I must hire a candidate focused on a long-term commitment. The same principle applies to short-term positions, says Alichwer. As an employer, you should fully know your candidates future goals and the ways in which these goals may positively or negatively impact your business. Additionally, consider asking: Do you plan to further your education and hone your current skills? How will your educational pursuits improve my businesss operations in the future? As you go about interviewing candidates, these questions will enable you to streamline your applicant list and hire an individual you can depend on to develop your business goals in the future.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How to Interview Salespeople

How to Interview Salespeople How to Interview Salespeople When youre hiring a new salesperson, a little due diligence on your part can help you to secure a highly-skilled team member. The candidates answers to your interview questions are important, but theyre only one possible source of information about that person. Examine Background Information While resumes are always helpful in gauging a candidates skills and qualifications, there are certain career areas where skill in preparing a resume translates directly into skill in doing the job itself. Writers, for example, had better have well-written, literate resumes. For salespeople, the resume â€" a candidates primary marketing tool â€" is a great indicator of his or her sales skills. How well does he sell his skills and qualifications on his resume? Does he give specific examples of his successes in past jobs? Are his experiences described in a way that presents him as a good fit for your firm? A poorly crafted resume should definitely raise some red flags in your mind. Test Their Research Skills A good salesperson should always do his or her homework. Before you tell the candidate about your company or the position, ask why they applied for this particular job. The salespersons answer will demonstrate how much research they did for you and your company before the interview. A candidates attitude and behavior can be telling. Did she arrive either on time or slightly early? Was she courteous and pleasant to the people she encountered (receptionist, secretaries, etc.)? Was she dressed and groomed professionally? (Remember, the way someone looks on an interview is probably the best they will ever look on the job!) Did she look you in the eye, shake your hand firmly (but not bone-crackingly), greet you warmly and demonstrate open, receptive body language? Did she communicate well and speak clearly? Did she talk too much and too fast, or barely speak at all? The way salespeople sell themselves is the way you can expect them to sell your product or service. Some specific interview questions to ask salespeople include: What are some specific examples of previous sales experiences? What would you do the same? What would you do differently?What is your understanding of this companys sales cycle and how does it compare to what youve done in the past?Whats your process for making a sale in your current or most recent sales position, from getting the lead all the way through to closing the deal? (Note what if anything they have to say about following up with the prospect after the close; this is critical to building repeat business.) What kind of compensation structure do you prefer? (The possibilities are usually base salary, base plus commission, or pure commission. A salesperson who prefers a pure commission job has considerable confidence in their own skills!)What are your sales goals and how do your actual results compare to those goals?What do you see as this companys strengths and what changes do you think would improve sales and productivity? How do you feel you could contribute to this improvement?What new markets could we address and how would you suggest we develop these markets? Don't forget to include a few of the classic interview questions: How do you feel your experience would fit this jobs needs?Whats an example of a great success from a past job and how did you accomplish it?Whats a significant mistake that you made, how did you correct it and what did you learn from it?What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses and what do you do to alleviate your weaknesses?How do you see your career developing in the next few years and how will you accomplish that in this company?What do you see as the greatest contributions you can make to improve the companys success? If there is a lag or a silence, see how they handle it; this is something that can occur in a sales call and a salesperson who rushes to plug every silence by babbling or who does nothing at all will not be successful. Raise any issues or concerns that you have, either from their resumes or in response to things they are telling you; in addition to providing the information you need, this will also demonstrate how they will handle similar objections that arise during a sales call. Do they attempt to form bridges and build rapport with you (notice the picture of your sailboat, children, etc. and share their common interest, for example)? Do they do it well? Making people feel comfortable with you makes them look for reasons to do business with you, another critical sales skill. Toward the end of the interview, give them an overview of what you see as the companys goals, what they can expect in terms of compensation (structure and a general range), benefits, travel expectations, etc. and what the next step in the interview process would be (including time frame). Ask if they have any questions or concerns. If they ask at least one or two intelligent, relevant questions its an excellent sign. A candidate who has no questions for you didnt bother to research your company and/or is too overwhelmed to think of anything clever to say â€" neither of which is a good quality in a salesperson. Finally, make a note whether they follow up with a thank-you note/email to you. And if for some reason the hiring time frame changes, let the candidates know. Its simple courtesy and shows them that youd be a good employer, and it also helps keep potential “star” salespeople from taking offers elsewhere while youre still slogging through the hiring process.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tips for Marketing a New Pet Product

Tips for Marketing a New Pet Product Tips for Marketing a New Pet Product The pet industry is a multi-billion dollar entity, brought in $69.5 billion in sales in 2017 alone. But it is important to have a marketing plan in place before introducing a new product. Here are some tips on how to effectively market a new pet product: Find Your Audience Your product needs to reach its target audience and generate some buzz.  It is always a good idea to go to relevant pet events in the community (like dog or cat shows for example) to introduce your product. The more eyes you can get on your product, the better. Set a Competitive Price It is rare that a product is completely new and different from anything on the market.  You will usually find that there are similar items to which your product will be compared.  It is important to evaluate the cost of similar products to be sure that you are priced competitively in that niche. Exhibit at Pet Industry Trade Shows and Conventions Renting booths at pet industry trade shows and conventions are usually well worth the investment.  The exposure from these shows can give a massive boost to a new product. These events can also lead to significant purchase orders from wholesalers and distributors. Major industry trade show events like SuperZoo and Global Pet Expo draw thousands of buyers and attendees each year. Focus on Industry Magazines and Blogs You definitely should consider placing advertisements in industry magazines.  Some magazine editors will also review new products as a part of their regular coverage, so be sure to submit a sample if a product review is a possibility. You can also send out samples to industry bloggers to solicit product reviews on their sites. Some well-established pet bloggers have a very large audience that can easily rival a magazine’s circulation. Reach Out to Consumers Your product can be sold directly to consumers via an online platform or through retail magazine and newspaper ads. Direct sales allow you to keep all of the profits and control distribution.  If you have the opportunity to sell some product through pet retail locations that can increase exposure, but your percentage of the profit will be markedly lower than it would be in the direct sales model. Design a Quality Website A professional website with high-quality photos is critical to the success of a product.  If you don’t have the requisite skills, you should hire a professional to create a website that showcases your product. An online ordering platform for direct sales is a great feature to include. You should also consider including content such as videos, professional reviews, links to retailers, links to industry professionals or associations that recommend your product, customer feedback, and the story of how the product was inspired and developed. Create Social Media Accounts Social media accounts are extremely important elements in modern marketing plans.  Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are a few key outlets that you should consider using to publicize your product launch. It is important to keep your content fresh and post product news regularly (photos, reviews, sales, awards) to keep followers engaged. Use Holidays to Your Advantage Pet owners are much more likely to spend money on pet products during holiday seasons.  Christmas is the biggest spending season and covers the broadest cross-section of pet products, but there has also been a recent trend towards spending in October with a focus on pet costumes and accessories for Halloween. Launching just prior to one of these seasons can help to boost your initial product sales.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Engineers Help Fight Opioid Addiction, Part 1

Engineers Help Fight Opioid Addiction, Part 1 Engineers Help Fight Opioid Addiction, Part 1 Engineers Help Fight Opioid Addiction, Part 1 Its no secret that opioid drug abuse is one of the great scourges of our time. Every day in the U.S. more than 115 people die after overdosing on opioid pain relievers, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the issue has a total economic burden, including the costs of healthcare, treatment, criminal justice activity and lost productivity, of more than $78 billion per year. And the problem is just getting worse. Opioid-related overdoses jumped 30 percent between July 2016 and September 2017, led by the Midwest, where such overdoses increased by 70 percent. Research has shown that about 25 percent of patients who are prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them at some point, and about 10 percent of those end up becoming addicted. For You: MRI-Safe Robots Treat Epilepsy Number of deaths involving opioid drugs, 2005-2015. Image: National Institute of Drug Abuse Thats the bad news. The good news is that medical researchers are already working on a variety of new treatments to lessen dependence on opioid painkillers and prevent these overdoses. Some of the most promising of these treatments are coming out of bioengineering departments. Those treatments involve neurostimulation, the delivery of high-frequency stimulation to sensory nerves in the peripheral nervous system to block pain signals. One such system, known as kilohertz frequency alternative current block, was developed by Kevin Kilgore and Niloy Bhadra, doctors at Case Western Reserves Department of Biomedical Engineering and MetroHealth Medical Center, building on earlier efforts that date back to the 1980s. Though there had been some work done, it had been completely neglected, so we started doing pretty intensive pre-clinical animal studies and outlined a lot of the basic parameters, Bhadra says. Although previous high-frequency systems showed results at lower frequencies, the Case Western team found the best pain relieving returns at a range between roughly 10 and 30 kilohertz. Their innovation was creating a neurostimulation technology that is stable and reliable enough for medical use. When used in medical devices, this technology can turn nerve responses on and off at will, with pain relieving effects that linger well after treatment ends. The nerve conducts signals by sodium and potassium channels, Bhadra says. What is amazing is that when you apply high frequency to a peripheral nerve, it can actually put the sodium channel into a state where it cannot function anymore. That block can start within less than a second, and then when you turn it off, recovery happens in a few seconds, which is completely different from any other nerve block mortality thats known. This type of technology could serve in a wide variety of applications. See Part 2 of Engineers Help Fight Opioid Addiction to learn about the technologys new applications and who is implementing it. Tim Sprinkle is an independent writer. Read More: 3D Printing Better Root Canals An Early and Instant Check for Breast Cancer The Model of Good Health

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to Tell Your Boss Youre Quitting 10 Tips to Leave Without Drama

How to Tell Your Boss Youre Quitting 10 Tips to Leave Without Drama How to Tell Your Boss Youre Quitting 10 Tips to Leave Without Drama There are many ways you can tell your boss youre quitting your current job. You may be thinking about dancing your way out of the door, baking a resignation cake, or even shutting down Trump’s twitter account. However, going out with a bang rarely pays off. What about leaving  with grace and professionalism instead? Its just too easy to cut off the branch you’re sitting on. But if you quit the right way, you have a great chance to end up with a strong network that will support you in your future. Theres no doubt everyone wants this process to be as painless and smooth as possible. You must be well prepared to react in a suitable way to anything that the conversation might bring. Table of Contents 1. Prepare the scene2. Express gratitude3. Remember the reasons why you’re leaving4. Don’t disclose too much5. Avoid burning bridges and venting6. Show that you’re willing to help with the transition7. Determine the date of your last day8. Don’t breach any confidentiality and non-compete agreements9. Be prepared for every scenario10. Your last days at work 1. Prepare the scene First of all, set up a meeting to deliver the news in person. Rather than talking to your boss at an inconvenient moment, you want to talk one-on-one and without distractions. As far as the meeting goes, you have a lot of control over the situation. It’s you who should lead the conversation, not your boss. Also, remind yourself that quitting is a natural part of the working world. You’re not the first and not the last guy who’s ever quit. And no matter how irreplaceable you think you are - your boss is sure to find a replacement soon. Keeping these things in mind will help you create some distance between you and your job, making the conversation just a little easier. 2. Express gratitude Even if you’re really angry and unhappy, there’s always something good you can say about your job. Think about things you’re grateful for. There might not be many, but each of them counts. So always remember to keep things positive and pepper the conversation with expressions of gratitude: Start out by expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to learn new skills and grow in your current position. Say how grateful you are for the inspiration and support you’ve got from your employer. Emphasize how much youve learned from his expertise. Your boss will appreciate your recognition of how he’s influenced your life and career in a meaningful way. Express thanks for the chance to work with your colleagues. Make sure to give credit to specific members of your team youve enjoyed working with. READ MORE: 5 Signs You Should Quit Your Job Right Now (Or Soon?) 3. Remember the reasons why you’re leaving Now that you filled your conversation with appreciation, it’s time to change the tone and say that you need to move on. Once you’ve already made up your mind, stop thinking about all the reasons to stay.  Before entering the manager’s office, remind yourself of your motivation for looking for a new job in the first place. Why made you make this move? Was it a higher-level position, more meaningful work, shorter commute, higher salary or better work-life balance? Make it clear that your quitting is a result of your dreams and aspirations. Naturally, you want your boss to see you are quitting to chase your goals rather than running away out of frustration. Regardless of the motivation you had for making a change, you’re going to feel great once the conversation is over. Keeping this feeling in mind will help you stay calm, positive and energized rather than losing control over the situation. 4. Don’t disclose too much There’s one advice for talking about your future prospects - be honest, but brief. Your employer is not entitled to know where or why you’re moving on. There’s no reason to leak details of your new company’s awesome perks or how much more you’ll be making. Whichever way the conversation goes, it’s particularly important that you don’t feel guilty about moving on or feel like you need to over-explain. In this way, you won’t feel under pressure to reveal everything about your next move. You can also speak in general terms and allude to your new job in a general way: I have several possible options, and I’m taking a few weeks off to recharge before I make the final decision. I can’t be public about it just yet, but it’s a managing position at a startup where I’ll be responsible for creative social media campaigns. 5. Avoid burning bridges and venting Although you may have complained about a thousand different things while working at your company, you need to leave these things behind. Keep any negative feelings to yourself. Building bridges takes time, but you can burn them in a flick of a moment. Don’t destroy your connections and valuable friendships. It would be the dumbest thing to do when quitting. Remember that nobody fired you. It was your call to leave for a better opportunity. So even if it’s your boss that is the reason why youre leaving, dont make it personal. Maintain your composure and keep emotions in check. This will help you remember your final day as the day of firm handshakes and perhaps even a few hugs. Similarly to your first interview, the last conversation with your employer should leave him with a good impression rather than embarrassing memories. You never know when your paths cross again, especially if you intend to stay in the same industry or city. And also the more professional your farewell turns out to be, the easier it will be to get a decent reference from your former boss later on. If you feel your boss is open to criticism and you’d like to give some feedback, do so face-to-face and in a constructive manner. Instead of bringing up any negative reasons, focus on the positive aspects of your new position: Working more independently and supervising others is the next logical step in my career advancement. 6. Show that you’re willing to help with the transition It’s best to quit in a way that will ensure a smooth transition and minimise disruption to your employer. Still, you may unintentionally leave the company in dire straits and your employer’s business can suffer due to a void in expertise and experience. There are many things you can do to ease the situation. Prepare clear documentation of your work, complete your ongoing projects and tell your boss that youll keep your eyes peeled for potential candidates. It’s very likely that the company will need your guidance and expertise to train your successor. Your boss may also ask you whether they can reach out to you in the future with questions. So if you happen to be leaving on amicable terms, consider making yourself available in the weeks or months to come. On the other hand, you need to set some boundaries up front. That way you will save yourself from being continually bombarded with endless phone calls and emails as you’re trying to move on to the next thing. 7. Determine the date of your last day The traditional amount of notice is 2 weeks. But this can also depend on the type of contract, your position or the current projects you’re responsible for. Alternatively, a situation may arise when you may be unable to provide the required notice. If that happens, ask your employer politely if there is any way you could end employment sooner. All in all, you and your boss should agree on an official termination date that will be your last day of employment. Any accrued compensation or benefits will be calculated as of that date. 8. Don’t breach any confidentiality and non-compete agreements Look at your contract carefully. It may contain a confidentiality (non-disclosure) agreement with your employer. The document serves to protect any type of information that the employer deems valuable. And the violation of its terms by sharing your employer’s confidential and proprietary information could easily put you in legal hot water. Last but not least, make sure you’re not under the obligation of a non-compete agreement that could prevent you from breaking free from your current employer and starting your own business. However, if that’s the case, review the terms and conditions carefully and consult an attorney to determine your next steps. 9. Be prepared for every scenario After you’ve said your piece, it’s time to wait for your boss to respond. However, there are about a million different ways how he can react. He can ask you to leave immediately, stay a bit longer than you expected or make you reconsider your decision by offering a considerable pay rise. The best way to deal with this uncertainty is to prepare for every possibility. Consider the following outcomes: Leaving now scenario. Chances are your employer will ask you to pack up your things right away and cut off electronic access to any documents you worked with. Be also prepared to say farewell to your company-owned equipment and turn in things like a company car, phone, laptop, pager or tablet immediately after expressing your intentions. Staying longer scenario. Even if you’re already thinking of your next job, it might still be feasible for you to stay a couple of weeks longer than you originally intended. Be smart and consider asking your employer for a positive reference or recommendation letter in return. No quitting scenario. What to do when your boss wants you to stay? If you’re still undecided, ask for some time so that you can sleep on it. Stay rational and weigh all the pros and cons. If it makes sense to stay, do so. But bear in mind that even if you decide to stay on board, your attempt to quit is very likely to affect your relationship with your boss in the future. 10. Your last days at work Congratulations! You’ve made it through the meeting. But remember that you should follow up with an official resignation letter soon after. Furthermore, try to be as helpful as possible during your last few weeks. Hand over your projects to your colleagues and help them pick up right where you left off. Then, before leaving the office for the last time, send an email to all your colleagues. Make sure to include a sincere invitation to stay in touch via LinkedIn or your personal email address. This will help you keep your bridges intact even after you quit. Dont be afraid to tell your boss youre quitting   Talking to your boss can often be quite difficult, especially when it comes to quitting. But believe me - once it’s done, you’ll feel a huge surge of relief and happiness. It will mean that you once again reclaimed control over your career and decided to carve your own path. And that’s what people call freedom, I suppose! Ready to take the next step? Check out our ultimate guide on how to write a killer resume or create your own in our online  resume builder right away! Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

This is how using your phone in the bathroom affects your health

This is how using your phone in the bathroom affects your health This is how using your phone in the bathroom affects your health It may be a little uncomfortable to talk about the time we spend on the toilet. For many of us, those intimate moments are completely private - we’re not super thrilled about the idea of getting into our business about “doing our business.”But in an Internet age, there’s one habit a lot of us have taken up while we wait for a bowel movement, and it’s high time we talk about it.When we head to the loo, a good chunk of us take our cell phones with us so we can either read or play as we sit. And a bunch of doctors in Israel decided that we needed to understand how this practice impacts our health.They suspected that it might have a positive outcome - they hypothesized that reading during toilet time “provides a distraction and acts as an unconscious relaxation technique and allows an easier defecation process.” But they were wrong.First, let’s take a glance at the numbers. According to their research,  52.7% of the population takes part in toilet reading, and in Israel , men, younger adults, white collar workers, secular people and those with a higher education were more inclined toward the habit.But alas - the practice does not make us more prone to go to the bathroom! Researchers found that “although toilet readers spent significantly more time in the toilets, no differences were noted for the type or frequency of stools.” Meanwhile, toilet readers had more  hemorrhoids (ouch!), though not by a significant margin.“Toilet reading is a common and benign habit,” the authors wrote. “It is involved with a longer time spent in the toilet. It seems to be more for fun and not necessarily to solve or due to medical problems.”So go ahead - sit on that toilet and read. It’s not going to hurt you all that much, though you’re likely to waste a little time as you play Candy Crush.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Things to Do Before Leaving Your Summer Internship

Things to Do Before Leaving Your Summer Internship Things to Do Before Leaving Your Summer Internship Most interns are hired for a designated time period and both the employer and the intern are aware of when the internship will end. This fact makes it a little easier for interns to plan their exit strategy and check off the things that they want to get done before they leave their internship on a positive note. Don’t be one of those interns that has forgotten what it was that they hoped to accomplish, even if the internship wasn’t fully what you hoped it would be. 1. Maintain Your Professionalism You will want to maintain your reputation of being very professional from the first day you start to long after you leave the organization. This means maintaining your honesty and integrity and avoiding any negative communications in any of your correspondence. This is extremely important since one of the reasons to do an internship is to get a good reference and the only way to do that is to let supervisors and co-workers know that you know proper workplace etiquette and understand what it takes to do a good job. 2. Schedule a Meeting With Your Supervisor and Hand in a Final Report of Your Accomplishments It is important to do this even if you are not asked to do so. Long after your internship is over you will want to have supervisors and co-workers think of you in a positive light. By taking the time to do a complete final report outlining your accomplishments, you will be letting your supervisor know exactly what you’ve been doing over the course of the last several months. Reports that add value to the future of the organization are especially helpful since it will show them that you were fully engaged in the mission of the organization and that you brought value to the department. A thorough report will also permit the organization to follow through on any projects that they might want to pursue once you have left the organization. Be sure to save examples of your work to share with potential employers down the road. 3. Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Always keep your resume and LinkedIn profile up-to-date so that they are available at a minute’s notice when applying for future internships or jobs. 4. Ask for Recommendations This can be a tough one for most students but professional recommendations on your LinkedIn site can pave the road to future internship or job offers. Nothing means more than having other individuals value your work. You may list past accomplishments in your resume and cover letter but having professionals attest to your knowledge, skills, and professional work ethic can make a huge difference when employers are considering your candidacy while still considering other applicants. You can also ask your immediate supervisor for a letter of recommendation to attest to your strong work ethic and ability to do a good job. 5. Create a Way to Keep in Touch With Supervisors and Co-Workers Long After Your Internship Is Over Since building a professional network is one of the key things you wanted to accomplish at your internship, be sure to touch base with all supervisors and co-workers you worked closely with and share information on how you can keep in touch. Once your internship has ended you don’t want the people you worked with for an entire semester or for the summer feel that you’ve fallen off the end of the earth. This is the way to make valuable connections for the future when you will be engaging in your job search after graduation. 6. Don’t Forget to Leave Without Saying Thank You Be sure to take the time to thank everyone who helped to make your internship a success. Single out individuals that went out of their way to help you during the course of your internship, no matter how small a role that they played. Showing your appreciation will make those individuals that played a key role in your internship feel good about their contribution and they will remember you fondly long after you’re gone.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Nuiances of Entry Level Customer Service Resume

The Nuiances of Entry Level Customer Service Resume If you're cutting and pasting text, make sure that the font is consistent. Resume samples are a beneficial means to direct your own writing. Go through the many available resume template examples and elect for the one which matches your profile. Think of what you are going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. Entry Level Customer Service Resume - Dead or Alive? For an entry-level job at a financial institution, cash handling skills will be required. For students that are new to the work market, interests and activities are a very good means to show employers you have skills they are searching for. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. What will be able to help you to acquire work in the specialty which you desire is a well-written and convincing career-change-level resume. Who Else Wants to Learn About Entry Level Customer Service Resume? After all, you agent to come across interesting and advanced methods to say I answer the service and speak to people. The capability to work as part of a team, and working in your designated role is an essential skill, and one which is valuable in all expert environments. Make certain you know your field of interest. LiveCareer's resume tool can help you construct a well-written customer service representative resume in a couple of minutes, irrespective of your writing ability or degree of experience. Top Entry Level Customer Service Resume Secrets Now, let's understand how to have an entry into the area. If you wish to develop your career in a business, entry level is the very best spot to start with. An entry level job lends valuable experience since you will discover the way the business functions from the bottom up. All you will need is a chance and that's the significance of landing the entry level position. You should check back with a prospective employer on a normal basis till you receive a rope no or find the job. If you're planning on submitting an application for an entry level position, you must have a rock star resume that would secure the interest of the recruiter. In fact, an entry level position is a chance for a career. Customer service takes in many of distinct jobs. It is an important part of every business. Great customer service leads to customers that are happy with the service they received, but who may not go on to offer feedback or reviews for you as well as the firm. Saying it is not enough. Most Noticeable Entry Level Customer Service Resume A sample will be able to help you decide what type of content you should include, along with how to format your resume. Our Call Customer resume sample will give you a format call can utilize to put your application ahead of the competition. Just like most things, there's a suitable way and a wrong approach to format a resume. With all resumes it's important to select the su itable format. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write as you likely don't have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the kind of career you're searching for. Flexibility A slight bending of the rules to fit the requirements of the customer isn't necessarily something that ought to be discouraged. If you're making a career change, you can mention it here, together with examples of transferable skills which may attract employers. You must be in a position to listen and actually involve yourself in just what the customer is telling you about their circumstance. Be certain to mention just how many years experience you have in customer support, as well what sort of training you've received. A customer service resume should showcase any appropriate experience you've got in managing customers. Since you're going to learn how to create a kickass customer service resume. A premium quality sample customer service resume will incorporate numerous suitable key terms and phrases that could contain phrases like customer satisfaction, customer retention, processes or efficiency, based on the particular job. Teamwork Skills Teamwork skills are an important portion of giving awesome support. Networking is totally critical during. Organizational skills An important part of excellent customer service is excellent organization abilities. There are a whole lot of soft skills you should cultivate if you intend on working in customer support. Dependability One of the main facets of the job is being there whenever the customer needs you most. Person managing the customer should have good communication abilities. The Basics of Entry Level Customer Service Resume You Can Learn From Beginning Immediately One of the absolute most important customer service skills to have is being in a position to determine whether a man is being honest or attempting to deceive you. It emphasizes the happiness and satisfaction of current and potential clients, but each person you encounter on the job likely has unique needs or a different idea of success. In the event the customer is experiencing an issue with a specific product then a superb working understanding of the item can resolve the issue quickly. According to the deman ds and problems of the various clients, it requires being flexible. Recruiters would wish to know if you're right-fit for their organization. Customer Service Officers provide guidance and support to the customers of an organization in order to make the most of loyalty and satisfaction. Employers wish to know just what you did or learned so they know what you need to offer as an employee. They will be looking for customer service representatives with broad social skills and industry specific specializations.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Secret of Usajobs Resume Builder That No One Is Talking About

The Secret of Usajobs Resume Builder That No One Is Talking About Usajobs Resume Builder - the Story Then maintain numerous versions of your resume so that you can quickly apply for positions since they occur. Apply even in the event the application window is brief, because window duration doesn't imply that there's an internal candidate. Proceed to your Applicaitons and discover the application you want to update. An excellent choice is reported for. You are likely to receive an ideal settlement and a recall through the aid of the resume alone. Because every work announcement will require a tailored resume, there's no federal resume writing guide that will supply you with surefire outcomes. There's no doubt a good resume can generate enough interest to help you receive an interview. Obviously, everything changes with time, and help comprises the USAJobs systemsometimes without warning. A lot of people take part in freelance writing and relish the approach. There are specific things you want to know about. If you're on the lookout for a government job or a civilian job for a veteran, you will need to get ready for a totally different method of submitting job applications. Candidates that have a negative on-line reputation may want somebody who can smoothly turn a phrase and enhance their image. So How About Usajobs Resume Builder? Federal employers would like to know what in your experience is related to the position, even supposing it isn't recent. Resumes aren't translated in regard to duties and obligations from military terminology into federal job duties. Developing a federal resume is an incredibly thorough procedure, and it is extremely crucial that you understand just how to code or write your USAJobs resume to create a hiring authority's interest in you. Usajobs Resume Builder: No Longer a Mystery Further references will be supplied upon request. You need to list details about employment you've had in years past which should incorporate the dates of employment, salary, address of the business and supervisor's name. Pick the items which you want to be notified of via email. So, your resume needs to be somewhat much perfect. The Demise of Usajobs Resume Builder Despite all the rapid increases in technology, communicating the special and frequently intangible facets of your experience and accomplishments to a highly automated system is extremely intricate. Fill in as many parameters as possible to be certain you get the outcomes you desire. Conversely, if you're asking for a helpers position, you can place your research experience initially and include more detail on previous research experiences. The procedure for building your resume and applying online might take several hours. It is vital to make use of all of the best practices. Which format you select will depend, in part, on the sort of work you've performed a nd whether you will continue in the very same field. Don't be worried about using all 5000 characters, just know that you've got loads of room to strut your stuff. Military resumes also generally have a good deal of white space. The Advantages of Usajobs Resume Builder Our Company doesn't want job hunters to find depressed or become prey of scammers and that's the reason why we strive to supply the most competent review and the most accurate info. Our online resume writer service is among the largest, professional resume services readily available online. If you wish to bring a blog to your website or already have one, my content advertising service is exactly what you want. Usajobs Resume Builder Explained The Certified Professional Resume Writer credential is the most frequent and it's definitely the simplest to attain. Career Marketing Techniques reviews your accomplishments developing a strong resume portfolio of private career advertising tools to draw the attention of employers. Job searching may be depressing and durable procedure, especially if one wants to have a government job. College was supposed to teach you whatever you would have to know to be a well-paid professional. Freelance writing is just one of the professions, which has received wide spread all around the world with the emergence of the web. The Writer will speak with you about your relevant experience and techniques. To be certain, USAJobs resumes are scrutinized in ways which other resumes previously probably were not. Functional resumes work nicely if you're contemplating a new career, don't have a lengthy work history, or have held quite a few unique positions due to the fact that they sell your abilities depending on the skills you have acquired throughout your career. Do is related to establish how tough it can. Be aware that you're not requested. All of it is critical to achieve best qualified. The Federal Resume can provide you a chance for the next prospect. The Basics of Usajobs Resume Builder Demonstrating excellent writing on your resume tells a corporation's HR department they can rely on you to fill cross-functional jobs and provides you a competitive edge over other candidates. Find out how to compose a professional resume. Keep in mind, human resources specialists may not know about your career field.

Friday, November 8, 2019

It Resume Example - the Conspiracy

It Resume Example - the Conspiracy You should focus more on what you may offer to the organization. Volunteer experience is also a great add-on to healthcare resumes as it shows the hiring manager you have compassion off the work too. Distinct kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a number of the exact skills. Customer service is an important element in many jobs and it's vital that you concentrate on that in your resume. The health care industry can be quite competitive. If you're attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Also show you're a well-rounded worker. If you are not certain about a figure, utilize a very good estimate, she states. The Upside to It Resume Example Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. You must also chat about past experience. You will then have to list off your work experience. Only go back further in case you have earlier experience that is immensely relevant. When you've worked at only 1 employer for your entire career, writing a resume that wins interviews could possibly be no easy job. Most IT job posts call for a minimum degree of academic attainment. How to describe administrative experience to receive any job you desire. However much or what kind of work experience you've got, there's a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. The skills section of your resume is a fantastic place to include keywords from the work description. So you need to understand how to create the most efficient page as you have the ability to send to the business and provide good first impression about yourself. Since the resume you're making is one which is targeted, you only ought to list down previous work experience you've had in the information technology profession. Thus it is necessary to find a means to make your resume stand out of tons of different resumes, particularly whenever you are in design. The It Resume Example Pitfall Checking a great resume example will supply you with valuable details. You may also provide a concise overview of earlier experience and be certain to include awards or honors if you've won them. Choose from multiple resume template options and discover the best option to help you make your polished, professional resume. A good can be difficult to locate so here is a good sample resume to assist you begin. The Principles of It Resume Example That You Can Learn From Beginning Right Away Utilize your permanent address in the location you intend to reside. If you've remained in the exact same position with the company, subheadings will allow you to avoid a lengthy collection of bullet points and will help to make your resume more readable. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. An excellent resume ought to be standard. It can be inviting to exaggerate or embellish certain facets of your resume, but doing this will only dash your probability of getting hired. Keeping a positive attitude in the surface of unemployment may be a difficult, but necessary job. If it doesn't catch their attention then it will also be the previous point. No matter whether you're a fresher and searching for your very first job or a candidate with experience in the area, a creative resume template will certainly allow you to draft a well detailed and an impressive resume. An informative resume is a superb thing, but there's such a thing as too many information. There's no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing it's made utilizing a template. When you've had a very clear job progression over numerous years and you're hunting for employment in the exact same vein as what you're doing now, a chronological resume will probably get the job done quite well. It Resume Example - the Conspiracy Ensuring your categories are well organized is a fast approach to help set you in the yes pile and keep you from the trash pile. On the opposite hand make certain that any descriptions of previous projects are succinct and to the point. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that may aid you with your work search. Reading a resume example may provide you with a few pointers, and here are a couple more things to think about. To make it simple to compose a profile that covers all the important points, I'm likely to provide you two unique templates that you are able to customize to suit your own background and situation. Speaking of unique, the most important aim of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for exactly the same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). There isn't anybody golden resume format. When giving the making the best resume you should handle the ideal person responsible for the selection.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Basic Principles of Advertising Resume That You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Immediately

The Basic Principles of Advertising Resume That You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Immediately The New Fuss About Advertising Resume Social networking specialists communicate with the general public through online social networking platforms that enable users to make and share content online. Businesses are interested in marketers that are masters of industry tools. Employers often wish to employ social networking specialists with experience, so listing your relevant work experience, creating a web-based portfolio, and having the ability to demonstrate a comprehension of social media strategy will probably make you stick out from other applicants. Marketers don't have to have any distinctive certifications, but there are lots of optional certifications generally accepted in the business as indicating an applicant is committed to the area. Google digital advertising and marketing portfolios'' to get tons of great examples. Developed marketing programs for a type of businesses. Advertising Resume: No Longer a Mystery Employers might be searching for someone with growth potential as opposed to a one-trick pony. Your resume objective is the initial thing recruiters will look at. You might also have your communication and disciplinary abilities, together with highlight how patient you're with your students. In case you have any questions, don' t hesitate to comment below. A part-time curriculum vitae or part time Resume provides a summary of an individual's life and qualifications. Your resume should make it simple for the hiring manager to rapidly realize that you are at the very top of the applicant pool. The Hidden Treasure of Advertising Resume The executive summary gives a fast breakdown of your work history. Because a strong resume is the secret to success when seeking a position in advertising, you will probably wish to touch on all the acceptable background notes concisely. Instead, write the career summary like you're writing passionately about an item pitch. When you have built an image of the perfect company, it is possible to carefully target your resume. Expressing your huge variety of marketing skills ought to be down throughout your resume. Creativity is a crucial characteristic of a fantastic marketer. Take into consideration the social networking marketing resume examples above. Content marketi ng is inescapable in the current digital advertising landscape. Since marketing is frequently a team effort, marketers should be able to communicate effectively within their very own team and within their company. Most marketers have a difficult time selling themselves. Successful marketers understand how to use various bit of software to make content, manage social media, and analyze customer data so as to create premium quality, targeted campaigns at potential clients. A prosperous marketer is someone who can increase a firm's income by driving sales. Monster job ads offer a wide array of monthly plans to pick from, letting you scale up or phase down or cancel at any moment. The Master t he Interview guide will allow you to understand and apply key strategies, and that means you always leave an outstanding impression. After all, someone's skills aren't in exactly the same light for a product's features or a service's offerings. Employers might be looking for someone with experience in specific platforms, so make sure to mention each one that you've had experience with. Not only are you going to learn whether the provider is an excellent fit for your private style, but you are also going to be in a position to compose an advertising resume that is customized and personalized, which makes you look like a better candidate. Making the effort to concentrate on a resume is really very worthwhile work. On-line platforms have turned into an important portion of today's consumer culture. The goal of the program is to supply you with a synopsis of the breadth of the business and a comprehension of how your company fits in so that you can earn a productive contribution to campaigns. It is possible to observe why knowing your perfect company is so crucial. The majority of them require sales experience. Our resume builder provides you with tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. If you wo uld like to have a look at some cover letters, here are a few examples of the cover letters. There's no need to put your house address or identification number. There's some terrific ad-hoc talent out there which you may add in the startup mix, but just be certain that you start with careful planning first.